Wednesday, March 20, 2013

        In act 1, I really enjoyed how Nora and Her husband Hemer relationship lies. It shows so much love, maybe to much love. Through Helmers character you  can tell that he really cares about Nora. Its seems that Helmer treats Nora like a child, who needs to be watched, but Nora doesn't seem to mind it.  Helmer repraoches Nora in many ways. "Did you eat the maccaroons Nora" Helmer said. That shows alot about how he treats her (pg. 183).

      I don'nt like how Mr. Krogstad and starts with Noras family because he can't find a job.  He acts disrespectful towards nora and decides to blackmale her. Helmer and Nora's relationsip could change because of Mr. Krogstad. Krogstad doesn't know how to be polite, and he shoudn't destroy someone elese family because he destroy his.

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